Brief History

The gaming industry in Tanzania was previously regulated under the Pools and Lotteries Act, 1967 and the National Lotteries Act, 1974. Until the onset of economic reforms in 1985, only national lottery was conducted as a significant gaming activity in Tanzania by the defunct National Lotteries. The economic liberalization policy and reform programs, and particularly the enactment of the National Investments Promotions and Protection Act of 1992, stimulated investment projects in hotel and leisure industry. The continued economic reforms necessitated the formulation of the National Policy on Gaming Activities and subsequently enactment of the Gaming Act Cap. 41, hence the Gaming Board of Tanzania.

Mission Statement

To promote, oversee, monitor and regulate the gaming industry in Tanzania to ensure integrity, maximisation of long term social-economic benefits and protection of the general public by enforcing gaming legislation and adopting to best practices’’

Vision Statement

‘'Becoming a world-class gaming regulator that facilitates level playing field among gaming operators for the growth of the gaming industry in Tanzania”

Core Values

Gaming Board of Tanzania believes on the following guiding principles values:

  1. Honesty and integrity

  2. Professionalism

  3. Efficiency and effectiveness

  4. Team work

  5. Excellent customer service

Gaming Problems Hurt

Winners Know when to Stop

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