Statutory Functions

The Gaming Board of Tanzania is responsible for the following functions, as per section 7 subsection 2 of the Gaming Act Cap. 41:

  1. Granting, issuing, suspending, withdrawing and amending of gaming license and any other license pertinent to the gaming activities; 
  2. Advising on the imposition of taxes, levies and fees in respect of any gaming activities and collection thereof; 
  3. Devising policy guidelines and setting norms and standards of conduct for lotteries and gaming activities; 
  4. Fostering the stability and success of gaming and preserving the competitive economy and free competition; 
  5. Bringing about honest and competitiveness in gaming industry; 
  6. Conducting a continuous study and investigation of gaming activities for the purpose of ascertaining any defects in the rules and regulation, in order to discover abuses in administration and operations of the industry and to deal with them; 
  7. Exercising such other incidental powers as may be necessary to ensure safe and orderly regulation of the industry including performing background checks of the applicants, qualifications and registration thereof, approving gaming employees licensees, internal control procedures and testing of gaming devices 
  8. Defining standards, principles and procedures in respect of operations, premises, equipment, personnel, supplies and procurement of services and enforcing compliance thereof; 
  9. Developing mechanism for stakeholder’s involvement and measures for dealing with adverse social impact of gaming activities; and 
  10. Doing all other things which are necessary for or in connection with the performance of its functions and powers to enable it to discharge its duties.

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